Sunday, 9 August 2015

The amazing stone age

Hi Guys I am back to do another cool blog and today I am going to do it about the stone age.

  1. The stone age men hunted for food and women gathered berries and nuts.
  2. In the neolithic age they had permanent  homes which had thatched roofs and stone furniture.
  3. The stone age people made fire from flint and stone and flint and wood.
  4. They ate animals such as : buffalo, bison ,elk, mammoth, deer and reindeer.
  5. They made cave art out of chalk and berries and used animal whiskers for paint brushes.
  6. Their beds were made from stone and animal skin.
  7. There weapons were often made from flint, bone and wood.
  8. In the neolithic times they started farming and eating goats. They also drank goats milk, wheat and bread. Thanks for following my blog and remember no rude comments because its really not needed!

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