Saturday, 15 August 2015

Hi guys today I'm going to write a recipe that I hope you can use in real life!!

you will need:

125 g of soft butter

125 g of sugar

2 medium, free range eggs

125 g of self racing flower

1ts of vanilla extract

if you would like to do icing then these are the things you will need

60 g of softened butter

100 g of icing sugar

1ts of vanilla extract

3tbsp seedless raspberry/strawberry jam.

okay lets get started on how to make it.

1.Heat oven to mark 4/180'c.
Line a 12-hole bun tin with cake cases.
In a bole,whisk the butter and sugar until
pale light.
Add the eggs one at a time,whisking
well after each addition.Fold in
the flower and vanilla extract.
2. Using two teaspoons, divide
the mixture evenly between the
cases. Bake for 12-15 mins
until golden and springy

hope you liked the cup cake recipe don't forget to comment

1 comment:

  1. Yummy sounds delicious hopefully I'll be able to try it! Very sweet post Ella!

    Rukiya XX


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